A family prepares a meal together in their kitchen

About Us

Good health does not start and end at the doctor’s office.

Access to convenient, culturally-sensitive care is essential, but it takes so much more to help our communities grow healthy – including equitable access to schools, good jobs, healthy foods, essential services, and elected officials who reflect and respect the people they serve.

It takes a community – that’s why we’re committed to educating, engaging, and mobilizing our members, our staff, our partners, and our leaders.

Learn more about our ongoing efforts and initiatives.

Our Mission and Vision

Our Mission and Vision

At AltaMed, we are on a mission to eliminate disparities in health care access and outcomes by providing superior quality health and human services through an integrated delivery system for Latino, multi-ethnic and often-overlooked communities in Southern California.

Our goal is to be your leading community-based provider of quality health care and human services. Take a look at what we are doing every day to make a difference.

AltaMed Commerce Goodrich

Certified Primary Care Medical Home

AltaMed Health Services adheres to the Primary Care Medical Home (PCMH) concept. We have developed an approach to primary care consistent with the PCMH model that aims to deliver high-quality, cost-effective primary care. Using a patient-centered, culturally appropriate, and team-based approach, the PCMH model coordinates patient care across the health system to improve the patient experience. 

At AltaMed, our team of providers is committed to ensuring complete, coordinated care, treatment, and services as evidenced by our Joint Commission PCMH certification. 

Core Values

Core Values

  • Patients always come first
  • Employees are our most valuable asset
  • Encourage process excellence and innovation for quality outcomes
  • Promote wellness and advocate for strong and healthy communities
  • Integrity, honesty, and respect in all of our endeavors
  • Commitment to teamwork

Strengthening Our Communities


AltaMed Foundation

The AltaMed Foundation has raised millions of dollars for programs that help our communities grow healthy. Learn more about what we do and join us.


Workforce Development

We provide mentoring and hands-on opportunities for aspiring health care workers at every level to expand their skillsets and become leaders.

Policy Advocacy

Policy & Advocacy

Advocacy is in our blood – we see the difference we can make, together. Learn more about our current priorities and initiatives.

This is What We Do

Get Started With Us

It's easy to get care and become an AltaMed member. Let us help.
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What a Wonderful World This Could Be

At AltaMed, we believe that everyone should be able to get the kind of care they need to grow healthy, regardless of who they are, where they come from, or how much they make. We’ve made this our life’s work. By establishing medical clinics in the neighborhoods that need them most, we can serve families at every stage of life — from moms-to-be, children all the way through seniors.

Good health is a great start, but there’s so much more we can do for our communities to make sure we have essential care and services so we can all grow healthy.

That’s why we educate our members about the issues that affect us all and encourage voter turn-out. It’s why we work with our elected officials, at every level of government, to make sure public policy is fair, equitable, and serves a diverse population.

Our communities deserve more. That’s why we tirelessly rally doctors, doers, and dreamers. How much could we – as a city, as a nation, as a society – achieve if everyone had access to compassionate care that served their needs, regardless of their ability to pay?

At AltaMed, these aren’t just our dreams – these are our action-items.

Little Girl Playing
Pen Two

View Our Impact Report

At AltaMed, we are constantly expanding our services to the community. Learn more about our ongoing efforts and the people who make them happen, and see how you can get involved.

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AltaMed Foundation


Workforce Development

Policy Advocacy

Policy & Advocacy

Our Priorities

When AltaMed was established in 1969, our immediate priority was to help improve access to care with the ultimate goal of eliminating health care disparities. Over the years, we’ve broadened our scope to address everything that impacts the health of a community: access to social services, education, and awareness of the rights and responsibilities we all share in this country.

Some of our formal initiatives include:

  • Protecting the Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  • Health Center Funding
  • Workforce Development
  • Get Out the Vote
  • Census 2020

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