Staying Safe from COVID-19 Means Staying Apart and Staying at Home
Although the statewide mandatory stay-at-home orders have been lifted as the spike in coronavirus cases from the holidays begins to slowly decline, we must not lower our guard.
To protect yourself, continue to wear your mask, wash your hands, and avoid contact with anyone not in your household. Crowds and gatherings of any size can be dangerous, especially since the dip in coronavirus cases statewide and the rollout of the vaccine, may give some people a false sense of security and cause them to be more careless. Remember, the facts have not changed. The more people you come in contact with, the more likely you are to be exposed. Don’t risk your health or the health of friends or loved ones to watch sports, attend a birthday party, or any other gathering.
Even though many of us are missing our friends, relatives, and the lives we used to have, now is not the time to get careless. A vaccine has been approved, but until it can be rolled out to everyone in the United States, we’ve all got to do our part to stop the spread and save lives.
The Best Thing You Can Do Is Stay Home as Much as Possible
Just because the malls, shopping centers, airports, beaches, and grocery stores are open doesn’t mean they’re 100% safe. Your family’s best bet is to stay at home as much as possible.
- Limit contact — Use curbside pickup, delivery, or drive-thru services to pick up groceries or prescriptions to avoid face-to-face contact.
- Be social safely — Use video chat, social media, or the telephone to stay connected with friends or family.
- Follow us for the latest updates – Because of the recent surge in cases of COVID-19, things have changed rapidly, and rules about what’s open and what’s closed can vary from place to place. It’s confusing to many people, but you’re not alone. Bookmark this blog to stay updated on the latest news and developments.
Outside the Home

Sometimes it’s impossible to stay away from people you don’t know. You may need groceries, medications, or have some other important reason to go out. Make sure to wear a mask, practice social distancing, and follow local guidelines when heading out. Consider the following:
- Transportation — If you do need to take public transit, sit far away from others. Sit in the back seat of a rideshare to stay as far from the driver as possible.
- Make a plan to avoid crowds —If you need to go grocery shopping or run an errand, call the business to learn what time of day it’s least crowded. When you go, take a list so you can get in, get what you need, and get out as quickly as possible.
- Stay distanced while active — Get out for some exercise whenever you can. Just make sure to take a mask with you in case you encounter other people. Otherwise, maintain at least six feet between yourself and others.
Keep Your Distance

When you absolutely must go out in public, keep a safe amount of space between yourself and those not from your household. Six feet is the distance recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to reduce the risk of community spread.
When people are close to each other, a cough or sneeze can send droplets from one person into the mouths or noses of people around them. It’s gross, and it’s how COVID-19 spreads. It takes a few days for symptoms to appear, so even people who aren’t showing signs of infection can spread the disease. Gathering in a group only makes things worse.
Physical distancing alone isn’t enough to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Additional steps should include:
- Wearing a mask over your mouth and nose
- Not touching your face with dirty hands
- Frequently washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
We’re Here for You

AltaMed can provide information to you and your family about the best way to protect yourself and your family from COVID-19. To receive the latest news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, sign up today.