Your Guide to Well Child Checkups
Ensuring your child’s health is a complex, rewarding, and ever-changing process. From birth to adolescence, each stage of life requires regular and detailed checkups. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), in collaboration with Bright Futures, has created a guideline for preventive pediatric care. When paired with essential immunizations, adhering to this childhood “calendar” will help your family grow healthy.
Here’s what to plan for from birth to age 21.
Infancy (Zero to Nine Months)
Welcome to the infancy stage. This phase is full of wonders, questions, and of course, love! Your baby will undergo rapid changes in their earliest days, which means charting their physical growth is important. They’ll also begin routine physical and mental examinations.
- Body measurements — Length/height, weight, head circumference, weight for length, BMI, and blood pressure. Blood pressure measurement in infants and children with specific risk conditions should be performed at visits before age three).
- Sensory screenings — Vision and hearing tests.
- Cognitive development — Behavioral screenings, developmental surveillance, psychosocial assessment
- Physical examinations/Testing — Blood tests, Bilirubin test, critical congenital heart defect screening, immunizations, Anemia, lead exposure, Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B.
- Oral health — Starting as early as newborn children, health care providers will perform oral health evaluations. This includes a fluoride varnish and fluoride supplementation plan depending on region.

Early Childhood (12 Months to Four Years)
During these formative years, children undergo remarkable changes physically, cognitively, and emotionally. They’ll continue to receive standard physical and mental assessments to chart their progress.
- Measurements — Length/height, weight, head circumference, weight for length, BMI, and blood pressure.
- Sensory screenings — Vision and hearing tests.
- Cognitive development — Behavioral/emotional screenings, developmental surveillance, psychosocial assessment, autism spectrum disorder screening.
- Physical examinations/Testing — Immunizations, Anemia, lead exposure, Tuberculosis, Dyslipidemia, Hepatitis B.
- Oral Health — Fluoride varnish, fluoride supplementation.
Middle Childhood (Five to Ten Years)
In this phase, children experience increased physical abilities, engage in social interactions, and begin more intensive learning. Head circumference and weight for length measurements will be replaced with body mass index (BMI) tracking.
- Measurements — Length/height, weight, BMI, and blood pressure.
- Sensory screenings — Vision and hearing tests.
- Cognitive development — Behavioral/emotional screenings, developmental surveillance.
- Physical examinations/Testing — Immunizations, Anemia, lead exposure, Tuberculosis, Dyslipidemia, Hepatitis B.
- Oral Health — Fluoride varnish, fluoride supplementation.

Adolescence (11 to 21 Years)
Adolescence is marked by significant physical, emotional, and social development. As adolescents navigate newfound independence and evolving identities, they encounter unique challenges and opportunities. Drug use and sexual health will become areas of discussion with their care provider.
- Measurements — Length/height, weight, BMI, and blood pressure.
- Sensory screenings — Vision and hearing tests. Starting at age 11, hearing screenings will test for high-frequency hearing loss.
- Cognitive development — Behavioral/emotional screenings, developmental surveillance, psychosocial assessment, alcohol and drug use assessment, depression screenings.
- Physical examinations/Testing — Immunizations, Anemia, lead exposure, Tuberculosis, Dyslipidemia, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, STIs/HIV, Cervical Dysplasia Screening (in women).
- Oral Health — Fluoride varnish, fluoride supplementation.
With Them, and You, for Life
AltaMed is your partner at every stage of childhood. Our pediatricians can help you understand unique health factors like family history or medical conditions and build the right care plan.
We also provide dental and behavioral health services. Get started here or call us at (888) 499-9303.