Medi-Cal Redetermination Blog Hero
Navigating Health Care

Medi-Cal Members: It’s Time to Renew Your Coverage

*To watch instructional videos on how to renew your coverage, or to schedule a call with an AltaMed representative instead, click here.

As of April 3, Medi-Cal enrollees will begin receiving renewal packets with instructions on how to re-register for their health insurance coverage.

To ensure that your renewal goes smoothly, and that there’s no lapse in your coverage, follow the instructions below:

How to Renew

To begin, contact your local Medi-Cal office to verify current contact information. This includes your name, home address, phone number, and email.

Be sure to also report any changes within your household including:

  • A person living in your household has become pregnant or has given birth
  • A family member has moved in or out
  • Changes to income
  • Changes to immigration status
  • Any other important changes that can impact your family’s eligibility for Medi-Cal

You can contact your local office through the following methods:




Once your contact information has been updated with the county, a letter will be issued via mail informing you whether your coverage was automatically renewed, or if additional information is needed. Should this be necessary, you will receive a renewal packet. Complete and return the packet as quickly as possible.

NOTE: Your Medi-Cal coverage will not expire until you have received written notice from your local county determining that you are no longer eligible.

Have Questions?

AltaMed is here to help. We understand the importance of protecting your health and can walk you through questions related to Medi-Cal renewal or eligibility. Schedule a call with an AltaMed representative at If you’d like one-on-one, in-person help with your renewal, join our upcoming community workshop.

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Medi-Cal Members: It’s Time to Renew Your Coverage