A doctor vaccinates a young boy.
Child and Teen Health

How Vaccines Save Lives

As we celebrate National Immunization Awareness Month, let's take a moment to appreciate how vaccines keep us safe. From eliminating diseases like polio to controlling infections such as smallpox, vaccines have fought deadly diseases for decades. 

Today, they still protect us from illnesses like measles, flu, and COVID-19. Getting vaccinated is one of the best ways to stay healthy and prevent outbreaks of dangerous diseases. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that vaccines save 3.5-5 million lives every year. 

Continue reading to learn more about how vaccines work, their importance, and how to make sure you and your loved ones are up to date on vaccinations.  

How Do Vaccines Work?

Vaccines train your immune system to fight infections quickly and efficiently. When you receive a vaccine, it causes an immune response, teaching your body to recognize, and combat the germ in the future. After a vaccination, your body is prepared to respond quickly to a disease. 

Vaccines can offer long-lasting protection against serious diseases, as well as reduce the risk of serious illness.  

How Do We Know That a Vaccine Is Safe?

Vaccines are proven safe through decades of use and extensive testing. For example, over 13 billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines have been given safely since 2021, preventing millions of severe cases and deaths.

Before a vaccine is released to the public, it goes through many stages of testing in the lab and clinical trials to ensure it is safe and effective. Health authorities review these tests carefully. 

Even after a vaccine is approved and used, safety is continuously monitored by national health authorities to address any potential concerns quickly. If there is a serious side effect, independent experts investigate to see if it is related to the vaccine.

Why It's Important to Get Vaccinated

  • Vaccines save lives — Many diseases that had previously injured or killed thousands of people have been eliminated primarily due to vaccines. Serious diseases like tetanus, flu, and hepatitis B still pose a threat without vaccination.
  • Protection for yourself and others —  Vaccines create antibodies that fight off infections. They protect you and prevent the spread of diseases to vulnerable members of our community.
  • Safety and monitoring — Vaccines are thoroughly tested and continually monitored for safety. Side effects are usually mild and temporary, such as a sore arm or mild fever.
A doctor prepares a COVID-19 vaccination.

What Vaccines Are Recommended for Everyone?

Vaccines are a safe way to protect your and your family’s health. They help prevent serious diseases and avoid health issues, missed work, and medical bills. Here are the routine vaccines all adults need according to the CDC:

  • COVID-19 Vaccine
  • Flu Vaccine (Influenza)
  • Tdap Vaccine (Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Whooping Cough)
  • Hepatitis B

You might need other vaccines based on your age, life events, job, travel, or health conditions. Always check with your health care provider to ensure you and your loved ones are up to date on all necessary vaccines.

Vaccinations at AltaMed 

No matter your age, it’s important to stay protected. From COVID-19 to yearly flu shots, AltaMed can help you grow healthy. We also provide essential childhood and adolescent immunizations for patients from birth through 18 years of age. This includes the HPV vaccine starting at age 9.

Safety shouldn’t be complicated. Call us at (888) 499-9303 to schedule an appointment with your provider and stay on track of necessary vaccines.

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How Vaccines Save Lives