Woman Touching Her Head
Preventive Care

Headaches and What to Do about Them

It’s likely you’ve had a headache at some point in your life. You’re tired, hungry, your allergies, or constant loud noises have caused your head to start hurting. A headache may also be a symptom of something else, like a sinus infection, a cold, or the flu.

In most cases an over-the-counter pain reliever remedies the pain. It may be time to see a doctor however if the headaches are frequent and the pain persists.

Causes and Types

Doctors don’t completely understand what causes most headaches. There are no nerves to register pain in the brain tissue or the skull. Tissue around the brain, in the neck, blood vessels in the head, your teeth, sinuses, and the muscles and joints of your neck can cause head pain.

There are more than 300 types of headaches. The most common are sinus, tension, and migraines. Tension headaches and migraines are most often triggered by caffeine withdrawal, fatigue, hunger, lack of sleep, and stress. You can avoid these headaches if you avoid these triggers. Relaxation techniques like yoga may also be helpful.

Man With Headache

Chronic Daily Headaches

These are their own subtype of headache. They can occur 15 days or more a month. Other subtypes in this category include:

  • Chronic paroxysmal hemicrania — sharp headaches on one side of the head that cause a congested nose or watery eyes
  • Cluster headaches — these occur off and on for weeks for a few months and cause severe pain on one side of the head
  • Hemicrania continua — one-sided headache that hurts like a migraine
  • Medication overuse headaches — these occur from overusing headache medications for at least three months
  • Primary exertional headaches — from exercise
  • Primary stabbing headaches — lasting a few seconds but occurring several times a day
Woman With Headache


Migraines are a much different kind of headache. They don’t just go away. They can be quite debilitating. More than half of the patients with migraines in one study reported “severe impairment in activity, the need for bed rest, and/or reduced work or school productivity due to migraines,” according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Migraines affect three times as many women as men. The typically:

  • Affect only one side of the head but can affect both
  • Cause moderate to severe pain
  • Cause nausea, vomiting, or increased sensitivity to light and sound
  • Get worse with certain activities, like climbing stairs
  • Last from four to 72 hours if not treated
  • Pulsate

Migraines account for about 3% of all visits to the emergency department each year in the U.S. The use of opioids as treatment has led to an increased risk of revisits, increased duration of stay, and even admission to the hospital. Opioids were prescribed nearly 36% of the time, but that is changing following the abuse that has occurred with those drugs.

Doctor Giving Medicine to His Patient

Seeking Medical Care

Everyone gets headaches, and migraines are not uncommon. Sometimes the headaches are symptoms of other health issues. Colds, the flu, or sinus infections can cause headaches. They’re annoying, but typically not life-threatening.

Headaches could also be a symptom of something more serious like bleeding, a tumor, an infection, or high blood pressure. Get to a doctor if you experience:

  • Confusion
  • Convulsions
  • Headache interfering with your routine
  • Headache with ear or eye pain
  • Headache with fever
  • Sudden headache that feels like a blow to the head
  • Headache AFTER a blow to the head
  • Loss of consciousness

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AltaMed has locations and providers all over Southern California delivering compassionate, culturally sensitive care that meets your family’s needs. We offer a range of services and care settings to help you grow healthy at every age and every stage of your life. We can provide you with regular screenings and monitor any conditions — like headaches — that are causing you concern. Contact us today at (877) 462-2582.

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Headaches and What to Do about Them